Positive Turbulence

Listen to the latest episode of the Positive Turbulence Podcast


Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of systems thinking with Michael Lindfield, a visionary with over five decades of international experience. From his early days as a high school dropout to his transformative roles at the Findhorn Community and Boeing, Michael’s journey epitomizes a life dedicated to exploring the depths of human potential and societal transformation. Now the Board President at Meditation Mount in Ojai, California, he shares his profound insights into the interconnectedness of self and environment. Tune in to discover how you can engage with the world and yourself more deeply.

Click here for the transcript and links.

Trending Episodes of the Positive Turbulence Podcast


This story about a granite and gravel company (Luck Stone) pivoting into a values-based leadership and coaching not-for-profit business (Inner Will Leadership Institute) as well as a spin-off of a number of related businesses (Luck Companies) is a story about the power of vision. It’s about why connecting with your values matters and is an example of positive turbulence in action. To make things even better, we were able to talk to Dr. Tom Epperson, who started working at Luck Stone in college as a summer job and grew with the business through the transition to being the President of Inner Will (as well as the author of InnerWill: Developing Better People, Braver Leaders, and a Wiser World through the Practice of Values-Based Leadership) and Greg McCann a consultant, coach, presenter, author and professor and on the board of Inner Will. Don’t miss it.

Click here for the transcript and links.


From the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston to our periphery, we bring you a conversation with Jenny Rudolph, Executive Director at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, Massachusetts. Jenny is a master at team building and leadership and a natural and effective turbulator. Leadership discussions are often focused on individual strengths and skills. Jenny offers us a framework for how individuals combine to create effective teams.

Click here for the transcript and links.


Have you ever found yourself in a rut? Do you feel like your creative spark has flickered out? Maybe you’re not even sure you even have that spark. In this episode, we engage with two extraordinary minds, Jane Hilberry, Professor of Creativity and Innovation, and Felicia Rose Chavez, Creativity and Innovation Scholar, both at Colorado College. They’re here to shed light on the untapped creativity within each of us, even those moments when we might not feel particularly creative.

Click here for the transcript and links.

What is Positive Turbulence?

Positive Turbulence is an energizing climate that draws organizations towards a directed change. It provides stimuli to motivated people looking for ways to make their own contributions towards the success of the enterprise.

What a rich source of inspiration! Positive Turbulence has found just the right mix of new thought, deep competence, and relevance in the space of innovation.”

Jenny Heaton

Head People & Organization Development, Global Seeds,, Syngenta

“The Positive Turbulence podcast delivers compelling perspectives and stories from real innovation managers charged with delivering value to their business processes, company cultures, and the consumers, clients, or patients they serve. The creative ingenuity, perseverance, and accomplishments that the speakers articulate should inspire listeners that they too can drive creative turbulence in their own organizations.”

Stephan Wiet, Ph.D.,

Principal, Stephan Wiet Associates

Thank you, Sponsors!

This podcast would not be possible without the generous support of our founding sponsors and donors who, along with financial contributions, have each stepped up in numerous other ways to help us find guests, edit, produce and make the content available to you, our wonderful listeners.